Additional options:ABD, Bluetooth, ABS, CD/DVD, ESP, MP3, USB, Anti-slip system, Audio system, Climate control, Conditioner, Luke, Rear parking sensors, Front parking sensors, Airbags, Alarm, Satellite signaling, Central locking, Power windows
The 2020 Kia Forte, a customs-free car, is presented for sale. This blue color sedan features a 2 liter engine and 121,600 km. with automatic transmission and front-wheel drive unit. The car passed the technical inspection successfully. Equipped with a variety of features including: ABD, Bluetooth, ABS, CD/DVD, ESP, MP3, USB, anti-skid system, audio system, climate control, sunroof, rear and front parking sensors, airbags, alarm, satellite alarm, central locking and electric windows. The car is not under bank guarantee and is undamaged.